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Liquid Ice Energy Drink

liquidiceicesugarfreeLiquid Iceis the next generation of energy drinks. With its vibrant blue color and a nostalgic taste it is sure to give you extra energy you need.

AVAILABLE SIZES: 8.3 oz. cans 12 oz. cans

Liquid IceSugar Free is Liquid Ice without any sugar. The ingredient Splenda (naturally derived of sugar) is present in lieu of the ingredient aspartame. The drink contains 15 calories in an 8.3 oz. container. Liquid Ice’s award winning package has offered a sugar free recipe for the past six years in response to the demand for low-carb products. In addition, the Sugar Free recipe to be low sodium, with only 35 mg per can as opposed to other sugar free energy drinks which average between 120- 200 mg. It is created for individuals with whom what to perform well physically and mentally while balancing an active lifestyle.

AVAILABLE SIZES: 8.3 oz. cans



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